Best On-demand App Ideas to Start Money-Making Startup in 2024

Best On-demand App Ideas to Start Money-Making Startup in 2024


Are you ready to take on the world of entrepreneurship and start your money-making startup in 2024? Well, we are mid of 2023 so let’s start developing your on-demand mobile app idea to launch in 2024.

Here we are coming with latest on-demand app ideas that surely to bring money. With technology advancing rapidly, there has never been a better time to explore new horizons and create an innovative mobile app that caters to people’s needs. So, buckle up and get ready for some inspiration as we dive into the top on-demand app ideas that will give your startup a head start!

Best On-demand App Ideas for 2024

Best On-demand App Ideas for 2024

On-Demand Grocery Delivery App idea:

The on-demand grocery delivery app development solutions connects customers with local grocery stores and enables them to order groceries online for doorstep delivery. This on-demand app idea caters to the increasing demand for convenient and time-saving grocery shopping experiences. the key features of grocery delivery app may include a user-friendly interface for browsing and selecting products, secure payment options, real-time order tracking, and personalized recommendations. To monetize the app, you can charge a delivery fee or partner with grocery stores to earn a commission on each order.

  1. Healthcare and Fitness App Idea:

    An on-demand fitness and wellness app offer personalized workout plans, virtual fitness classes, and access to wellness professionals. the fitness app development solutions target individuals who prefer flexible fitness options and personalized guidance. The app may include features such as workout videos, progress tracking, interactive challenges, in-app messaging with trainers or coaches, and integration with wearable devices. Monetization options can include subscription plans, in-app purchases for premium content, or partnerships with fitness brands.

  2. On-Demand Beauty and Salon Services App:

    The on-demand beauty and salon services app development allow users to book beauty professionals for services like hairstyling, makeup, nail care, and more. The app connects customers with local beauty professionals who provide services at the customers’ desired location. Key features can include a salon booking system, profiles of beauty professionals, ratings and reviews, secure payment options, and scheduling management. Revenue can be generated through service fees or commissions from beauty professionals for each booking made through the app.

  3. Home Services App:

    An on-demand home services app connects users with professionals for various services such as plumbing, electrician work, cleaning, and home repairs. The app simplifies the process of finding reliable service providers by offering a platform where users can browse services, book appointments, track service progress, and make payments. Monetization strategies may involve charging service fees, subscription plans for premium features, or partnerships with service providers for lead generation.

  4. On-Demand Tutoring App idea:

    The on-demand tutoring app connects students with qualified tutors for personalized tutoring sessions. This on-demand app idea can cover a wide range of subjects and academic levels, offering flexibility in scheduling and choosing tutors based on specific needs. Key features may include a tutor-student matching system, video chat functionality, file sharing, progress tracking, and secure payment options. Revenue can be generated through hourly tutoring fees or subscription plans for unlimited access to tutors.

  5. Pet Care Services App idea:

    An on-demand pet care services app idea connects pet owners with pet care professionals, such as dog walkers, pet sitters, and groomers. This on-demand pet care service app allows pet owners to easily find and book trusted professionals for services tailored to their pets’ needs. Features can include profiles of pet care providers, scheduling management, real-time location tracking, secure payments, and in-app communication. Revenue can be generated through service fees or a commission on each booking made through the app.

  6. Virtual Event Planning App idea:

    In the era of virtual events, a virtual event planning app assists individuals and businesses in planning and organizing virtual gatherings. This app can offer features like event management, ticketing, live streaming, networking capabilities, and analytics for event organizers. Monetization options may include charging event organizers for platform usage, partnering with sponsors for advertising opportunities, or offering premium features and packages for enhanced event experiences.

Benefits of Starting an On-demand App Business

  1. Increased flexibility and convenience for customers:

    One of the biggest advantages of using an on-demand app is the increased flexibility and convenience it offers customers. With an on-demand app, customers can order what they need, when they need it – without having to schedule appointments or wait in line.

  2. 24/7 availability:

    Another benefit of using an on-demand app is that it allows businesses to offer their services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This is especially beneficial for businesses that offer services that are needed outside of normal business hours, such as food delivery or home cleaning services.

  3. Reduced costs:

    On-demand apps can also help businesses reduce their operating costs. By eliminating the need for brick-and-mortar locations, on-demand businesses can save on rent, utilities, and other overhead costs. Additionally, on-demand apps can help businesses save on labour costs by automating certain tasks, such as customer service or order fulfilment.

Steps for Creating an On-Demand App from Scratch

Assuming you have a great on-demand app idea for your startup, the next thing you need to do is bring that idea to life. Creating an on-demand app can seem like a daunting task, but if you break it down into smaller steps, it becomes much more manageable. Here are the steps you need to take to create an on-demand app:


  1. Research your competition and target market. This is one of the most important steps in creating an on-demand app. You need to understand who your competition is and what needs your target market has that aren’t being met by existing apps.

  2. Create a wireframe or prototype of your app. This will help you visualize your app’s appearance and how it will function. It’s also helpful for getting feedback from potential users and investors.

  3. Develop the back-end infrastructure for your app. This includes setting up servers, databases, and APIs. If you’re not a developer, you’ll need to hire someone with the necessary skills to do this for you.

  4. Build the front-end interface of your app. This is what users will see and interact with when they use your app. Again, if you’re not a developer, you’ll need to outsource this step to someone who is.

  5. Test, test, test! Before launching your app, it’s important
  1. popular technologies used in creating an on-demand app

    Nowadays, many on-demand app development platforms are available in the market that can be used to create an on-demand app for your business. However, choosing the right platform is very important as it will determine the success of your app. Some of the popular technologies that are used in developing on-demand apps include:

    • Flutter:

      Flutter is another popular open-source framework created by Google for developing cross-platform mobile apps. It uses the Dart programming language which enables developers to write code once and deploy it to both iOS and Android devices. Flutter also offers a wide range of widgets and customizations allowing developers to create beautiful, user-friendly apps.

    • React Native:

      React Native is a popular open-source framework that is used for developing cross-platform mobile apps. It is developed by Facebook and has a large community of developers who contribute to its development. React Native allows developers to use native components and APIs while still being able to write code in JavaScript. This makes it possible to create powerful and fast apps that can run on both iOS and Android devices.

    • Ionic:

      Ionic is a HTML5 mobile app development framework that can be used to develop cross-platform mobile apps. It uses web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and provides Cordova plugins that allow access to native device features. Ionic also offers a variety of

Cost of Developing an On-Demand App

The cost of developing an on-demand app depends on several factors, such as the features you want to include, the platform you want to develop for, and the size and complexity of your app. Generally speaking, you can expect to spend anywhere from $10,000 to $100,000+ on app development costs.

If you’re looking to create a basic on-demand app with minimal features, you can expect to pay on the lower end of that range. However, if you’re looking to create a more complex app with multiple features and functionality, you can expect to pay closer to the higher end of that range.

In terms of platforms, developing for iOS will typically be more expensive than Android, due to the increased app development costs associated with Apple’s closed ecosystem. However, Android apps tend to take longer to develop due to the fragmentation of the Android market.

The size and complexity of your app will also impact app development costs. A simple app with a few features will cost less to develop than a large and complex app with hundreds of different features.

Keep in mind that these are just general ranges – ultimately, your specific project requirements will dictate how much you’ll need to spend on development costs. If you’re not sure where to start, we recommend working with a professional development team who can help assess your needs and give you an accurate quote for your project.

Tips to Promote Your On-Demand App

There are several ways to promote your on-demand app and get it in front of potential users. Here are a few tips:

  1.  Use social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to raise awareness of your app and drive traffic to its download page.

  2. Make use of online advertising platforms such as Google AdWords and Bing Ads to reach a wider audience with your marketing message.

  3. Use ASO (App Store Optimization) techniques to ensure your app is easily discoverable in app stores and search engines.

  4. Create compelling content (such as blog posts, infographics, videos etc.) that will drive engagement and encourage people to download and use your app.

  5. Make use of traditional media channels such as TV, radio or print to reach a larger audience with your marketing message.


In conclusion, there are a variety of on-demand app ideas that can be used to start a money-making startup in 2023. From food delivery services business to laundry and errand-running apps, the possibilities for creating an innovative and profitable business model are endless. With the right research, planning and execution, any of these on-demand app ideas could become the next big thing. So if you have an on-demand app idea that you think will revolutionize how people get things done – don’t hesitate! Start researching your on-demand app idea and let’s connect now so you can setup your own successful business in 2024.